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6:00 PM

8:00 PM

CMS Dance

Only CMS sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students are allowed to attend school dances. All

dances will be held from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Attending dances is a privilege. If a student has three or more office referrals, he/she cannot

attend a school dance. If a student has been suspended between dances, he/she may not

attend the next dance. If a student has been informed that they cannot attend a school dance and

shows up on school property, that student will be held in a separate area until a ride can be

arranged and may be prohibited from attending future dances.

Students who are participating in any school-sponsored after-school activities must be at

school by 8:00 a.m. in order to participate in the activity. This includes dances. If a student

arrives after that time and presents an appointment card from a doctor or dentist, this will be

recorded as an excused tardy and participation will not be affected. Extenuating circumstances

must be approved in advance by the building principal.

Students attending the dance must arrive at the school by 6:15 p.m. unless other arrangements

have been made with the building principal. Parents are asked to pick students up promptly at

8:00 p.m. Please note that there are MANY students being picked up and traffic can be heavy. We

ask students to wait in front of the school until their ride approaches the front of the school before

they get in. This is purely for the sake of safety and orderly dismissal. Please do not ask your

child to meet you in an isolated location or off-campus. It is much more secure for all students to

be picked up at the front entrance of the school.

All school rules and district policies are in effect at school dances. The district’s Substance Abuse

Policies will be strictly enforced. Cell phones are not permitted to be used at dances except in the

last half hour (after 7:30) to arrange for transportation. Any student who leaves the building

during a dance will face disciplinary action which may include not being able to attend a dance

for the remainder of the school year.

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