CHS Announcements

August 31, 2023

Welcome Back!!

Today is a White Day.

School locks are available in the main office. 

Soccer socks and mouthguards are available for purchase in the main office.  

The freshmen class needs class officers and student council members.  Please pick up a petition in the main office.

No locker changes will be made unless it is related to your schedule and/or classes.

Attention Drivers:  It is mandatory that you register your car in the office.

Sign up for the Drama Club and fall one act play is in the guidance office.  You can be in other activities and still participate.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Goodwin in the guidance office.  Drama Club meets once a month.  Try something new!

Mrs. Randall would like to thank Mr. Furlong, Nolan Ainsworth, Kailyse Bean, Kamryn Tyrrell, Kacey Tyrrell, Emma Byers and Katie Miller who came in last week to organize all of the 1st day paper packets.  You are appreciated!

Any students interested in starting a Fall sport.  Please see Mr. Foster.

Happy Birthday today to:  Laura Pribus