A storm is coming tonight

February 3, 2022

Today is a Red day.

There are some priority deadlines coming up for the FAFSA which are important for scholarship money at colleges.  If you need help with your FAFSA, please come to the guidance office to get contact information of a person who can help you.

Today is the last day for signup for the ASVAB test, which will be given February 15 at the high school.  Sign up in the guidance office for sophomores, juniors and seniors only.


All students in the festival play need to get the updated performance schedule from Mrs. Goodwin.


All AP balances need to be paid by Tuesday, February 15 in the guidance office.

There will be a student council meeting on Wednesday, February 9, at 7:30 in C3.

The dress-up days for Winter Carnival are as follows:

Monday, February 14: Pajamas Day

Tuesday, February 15: Twin Day

Wednesday, February 16: Generation Day (Freshman - Toddlers, Sophomores - College Students; Juniors - Middle Age Parents; Seniors - the Elderly)

Thursday, February 17: Character Day (movie, book, cartoon, super hero, Disney, etc.)

Friday, February 18: Class Colors (Fr - Yellow; So - Green; Jr - Blue; Sr - Red)

We will be having a district raffle to benefit a fellow CHS student, now until  February 13th.  The prize for the raffle is a homemade quilt.  The students and their families in RSU 64 are invited to participate as a community on the behalf of this fellow student and family. Tickets are: 1 ticket for 5$   3 tickets for 10$  5 tickets for 20$. 

Have a great day!