
April 26, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Today is a Red day.

The Civil Rights Team will meet today at 2:30 in the SSC. We will prepare our presentation. 

There will be a meeting of the Student Council on Thursday, April 28 at 7:00 am in C3.

If there is a song you would like to hear at Prom, please add it to the song-request list, located on the Student Council bulletin board across from B1. To ensure the DJ has time to review the list, all songs must be added by Friday, May 6.

Golf athletes who would like to sign up for a discounted membership fee at Whitetail Golf Course, need to pick up a form in the main office by Thursday.


If you have lost an earbud, please come to the main office after advisory or between classes. 


If you would like to earn community service hours working with the baseball and softball teams at CMS, you need to let Mrs. Randall know ASAP.


Have a great day!