CHS Announcements

August 31, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Today is a White Day.

Please turn in all of your 1st day papers to your advisor.

Students are not allowed in the building until 7:30am.

Congratulations to the Golf Team on their win last night!!!!  Chloe Daigle was the low scorer.

The Maine Department of Education is looking for student cabinet members.  This is an honor for a student that is interested, would look great on a resume, and, most importantly, would give you an opportunity to influence educational policy in your state.  See Dr. Mayfield if you are interested.  Open to all students.

There will be a meeting of the Student Council on Thursday, September 7, at 7:30 am in C3.

Sign up sheet for Adventure Club is on the bulletin board across from the weightroom. 

The activity bus will start next Tuesday.  

Sign up for drama club and the fall one act play is in the guidance office.  You can sign up for one or both.  Tryout readings for the play will be Tuesday morning, September 5th from 7:30-8:00 in the gym. If you are in sports or other activities you can still join!

Freshmen who are interested in being a class officer or a member of the Student Council can pick up a petition in the main office.