September 6, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Today is a Red Day.

A sign up sheet is available in room B1 (Mr Dennis) for all Students interested in becoming a lab assistant for 5th grade science camp. This is a great opportunity for community service hours.

Ballroom dance class will be starting soon.  All interested students can sign up in room B1 (Mr Dennis).

Students are reminded that the last day to add/drop classes for white days is today and for red days is Wednesday.  Be sure to go to guidance before then as you may have to have a parent sign an add/drop slip.

Art club will be on Wednesdays at CMS beginning next week.  A sign-up sheet is by the art room door. 

If any field hockey players are looking for volunteer opportunities and are interested in helping with the CMS team please see Miss Oko in B6!

The Maine Department of Education is looking for student cabinet members.  This is an honor for a student that is interested, would look great on a resume, and, most importantly, would give you an opportunity to influence educational policy in your state.  See Dr. Mayfield if you are interested.  Open to all students.

Attention Freshmen! Class officers and Student Council members are needed for your class.  Petitions are available in the main office.